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작성자 JosephPes 댓글 0건 조회 12회 작성일 24-07-04 08:10


The world’s most liveable cities for 2024
[url=https://dzen.ru/list/education/best-vei-jiliscnyi-kooperativ-sudebnye-resheniia]гей секс порно[/url]
It’s considered among the most beautiful cities in the world to visit, and it seems that Vienna may also be an unbeatable place to live.
The Austrian city has been crowned the most liveable city in the world yet again in the annual list from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), which was released today.
The EIU, a sister organization to The Economist, ranked 173 cities across the globe on a number of significant factors, including health care, culture and environment, stability, infrastructure and education.
Vienna topped the list for the third consecutive year, receiving “perfect” scores in four out of five of the categories — the city was marked lower for culture and environment due to an apparent lack of significant sporting events.
Just behind the Austrian capital, Denmark’s Copenhagen retained its second place position, while Switzerland’s Zurich moved up from sixth place to third on the list.
Australia’s Melbourne fell from third to fourth place, while Canadian city Calgary tied for fifth place with Swiss city Geneva.
Canada’s Vancouver and Australia’s Sydney were in joint seventh place, and Japan’s Osaka and New Zealand’s Auckland rounded out the top 10 in joint ninth place.


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