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Balanset-1A: Take

페이지 정보

작성자 DeweyMancy 댓글 0건 조회 22회 작성일 24-08-12 06:44


Balanset-1A: Your Universal Tool for Balancing and Vibration Diagnostics
[url=https://amzn.eu/d/0iGMHFo]Order on Amazon[/url]
Balanset-1A is a two-channel device designed for dynamic balancing and vibration analysis. It is ideal for balancing a wide range of rotating equipment, such as centrifuges, turbines, fans, crushers, augers, pumps, compressors, and other equipment.
[b]Vibrometer Mode:[/b]
Tachometer: Allows for accurate determination of rotor speed (RPM).
Phase: Determination of the phase angle of vibration signals for accurate analysis.
1x Vibration: Measurement and analysis of the primary frequency component.
FFT Spectrum: Provides detailed information about the vibration frequency spectrum, allowing for the detection of various issues.
Overall Vibration: Measurement and monitoring of overall vibration levels.
Measurement Log: Stores the measurement history for convenient analysis and tracking of changes.
[b]Balancing Mode:[/b]
Single-Plane Balancing: Eliminates static imbalance.
Two-Plane Balancing: Eliminates dynamic imbalance.
Polar Plot: Visualization of imbalance in the form of a polar plot for accurate weight placement.
Session Recovery: Convenient to continue balancing from where you left off.
Tolerance Calculator (ISO 1940): Calculation of permissible imbalance according to the ISO 1940 standard.
Grinding Wheel Balancing: Special mode for precise balancing of grinding wheels.
Overall Vibration Graphs: Graphical representation of overall vibration for easy analysis.
1x Vibration Graphs: Displays the vibration characteristic at the main frequency.
Harmonic Graphs: Displays harmonic components of vibration for detailed analysis.
Spectral Graphs: Detailed graphical analysis of the vibration frequency spectrum.
[b]Additional Features:[/b]
Archive: Saves the results of balancing for future use.
Reports: Creation of detailed reports on balancing results.
Repeat Balancing: Allows for quick rebalancing if necessary.
Production Line Balancing: Optimized for balancing a large number of similar rotors.
Balanset-1A also offers flexibility in choosing between metric and imperial measurement systems, ensuring compatibility and convenience worldwide.
[b]Price: €1751[/b]
[b]Balanset-1A Package Includes:[/b]
Interface block
Two vibration sensors
Optical sensor (laser tachometer) with magnetic stand
Weighing scales
Software (Note: laptop not included, available for order separately)
Plastic transport case
[b]Advantages of Balanset-1A:[/b]
High Efficiency and Quality: Balanset-1A provides high efficiency and quality in performing diagnostic and technological operations.
Ease of Use: The device is has a simple and clear interface, allowing you to quickly start working.
Customization to Client Needs: Balanset-1A adapts to the specific requirements of customers, allowing you to solve various tasks related to balancing and alignment of different machines and mechanisms.
Affordable Price: Balanset-1A is significantly cheaper than market counterparts, making it an ideal option for those who want to get a professional tool at a reasonable price.
High Repeatability of Results: The device uses several "know-how" techniques that guarantee reliable and repeatable results, enabling the achievement of minimal levels of residual imbalance.
Balanset-1A is a professional solution for balancing and vibration analysis, which will help you increase the reliability and efficiency of your equipment, reduce vibration and noise levels, and prevent accidents.
[url=https://amzn.eu/d/0iGMHFo]Order on Amazon[/url]


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