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crypto license

페이지 정보

작성자 Robertnibra 댓글 0건 조회 7회 작성일 24-08-30 20:58


Annual turnover of no more than ?10.2 million
A crypto broker license in Dubai permits entities to act as brokers in crypto transactions.
Your EMI will be eligible for a restricted activity license if the preceding six months’ average outstanding electronic money of the EMI doesn’t exceed 900,000 EUR per month, with the exception of the case detailed in paragraph 7 of Article 12 of the Law on Electronic Money and Electronic Money Institutions. If your EMI is granted a restricted activity license and then exceeds this limit, you must apply for a regular EMI license within 30 days of the revelation of this information.
Innovator Visa: Replacing the Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa, this visa is designed for those who wish to establish a business in the UK based on an innovative, viable and scalable business idea. Applicants must demonstrate that their business idea is new, has growth potential and will bring significant benefits to the UK economy. In addition, a minimum of ?50,000 in business funding must be secured.
Issuing licences to gambling operators, including casinos, bookmakers and online gambling platforms.
Business plan and financial reporting: Provision of a detailed business plan and regular financial reporting to demonstrate the financial strength of the company.
Step 7: LFSA Assessment and Approval
Progressive scale depending on income, with a maximum rate of 35%
Accounting services in Poland
Types of the Isle of Man Gambling Licenses


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전화 1544-0838l 팩스 02-2266-4999l 통신판매업신고번호 중구02571호l 개인정보 보호책임자 김주연
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